st. Joseph's Province

Little flower Congregation- CST fathers

Sanjo Bhavan, Mullakkanam

Sanjo Bhavan was established on February 15, 1993 as a centre for pastoral and social th apostolate. Sanjo Social Center was started on 16 April 2004. Sanjo Children’s Park was blessed and th inaugurated on 28 May 2005 by Mar Mathew Anikuzhikkattil, Bishop of Idukki.

Sanjo Bhavan CST Fathers Mullakkanam Rajakkad – 685 566, Idukki Dist.
04868 – 242342


Fr. Jobin Penattukunnel


Fr Sebastian Koyikkattuchira


Fr. Tony Adukuzhiyil

Bro Jeffin Kollarackal

Bro. Leo Kumbalamthanathu