st. Joseph's Province

Little flower Congregation- CST fathers

Münster - Mission House of St. Therese

First house of St. Joseph’s Province in the Diocese of Munster, Germany was officially and canonically erected on 27th October 2002. The Ashram is based in the parish house of St. Ludger Parish, Albersloh. This Ashram serves as a meeting place of our fathers in Germany and as a centre for the propogation of the spirituality of St. Therese. Apart from the pastoral activities in the parish, our Fathers also conduct retreats for the religious and priests.

Bahnhofstrsse – 2 48324, Albersloh, Germany
0049 2535 9533125, 0049 2533 9533122


Fr. Babu Kollamkudy


Fr. Boby Peter Pallickamalil


Fr. Joy Madassery

Fr. Dominic Thythara

Fr. Boby Peter Pallickamalil

Fr. Jojo Joseph Pulickakkunnel

Fr. Jestin Jacob Perikilakattu

Fr. Joby Mamballithadathil

Fr. Shijo Paul Amenanickal

Fr. Shinto Edassery

Fr. Renny Paruthikkattil

Fr. Digin Aryancheril

Fr. Joseph Puthoor

Fr. Sain Vadakkan

Fr. Tomy Alumkalkarottu