st. Joseph's Province

Little flower Congregation- CST fathers

Little Flower Ashram, Labbakkada

Little Flower Ashram was blessed by Mar Mathew Vattakuzhy, the then Bishop of Kanjirappilly in the presence of Mar Dominic Kokkat CST and Very Rev. Fr. John Olickal CST the then Superior General on May 16th 1993. It has functioned as the Novitiate House of St. Joseph’s Province in the year 1993-94.

Little Flower Ashram Kalthotty P.O., Labbakkada, Idukki Dist., 685 507
04868 – 271202


Fr. Johnson Mundiath


Fr. Charles Thoppil


Fr. Prince Chakkalayil

Fr. Sijo Elavumkunnel