st. Joseph's Province

Little flower Congregation- CST fathers

Darsana Ashram, Illithode

Darsana Ashram was started on October 21, 1993. The Prayer Centre was blessed on October 21, 2000. The purpose of the centre is to promote Theresian spirituality and to conduct retreat and seminars for Priests, Religious and Laity.

Darsana Retreat Centre
Director : Fr. Bineesh Mankunnel
Phone : 0484- 2468333
Mobile : 9605778215

Darsana Ashram CST Fathers Illithode, Malayattoor P.O. Kalady – 683 587
0484 – 2468333


Fr Emmanuel Vattakkunnel


Fr Robin Cheeradiputhenpurayil


Fr. George Jacob Poothakkuzhy

Fr. Bineesh Mankunnel